The Warm and Fuzzy email

This week’s tip is one that I discuss on nearly every call with
companies needing help with email, and it’s asking for a reply.

We all know there’s a list of things that will affect whether or
not you inbox, but today’s tip is something you can control
on every deployment and it’s a HUGE deal to our friends at

100% of the time, on the first and second email you send
to subscribers (warm or cold), ALWAYS ask a simple
question that will encourage them to hit “Reply” and email
you back.

Google’s algorithm and “weight” on replies is a secret, but
experts all agree that it likely plays a huge role in going to
the inbox vs hitting the promotions tab.

It’s estimated that Google controls almost half of all email
addresses in use today (US). I personally believe it’s much
higher than that.

Here’s a sample template that you can use to accomplish
the goal. This is a generic template, but you can tweak it
to your liking. I call it the “warm and fuzzy” email because
it can be welcoming to warm or cold leads.

= = = = = = = = =

“Warm & Fuzzy” – Email 1 – Sample Generic Template

Subject: Here You Go First Name!

Hi FirstName,

Thank you for requesting more information on our _____________!

We’ve been working with people all over the world like you for years
to bring them simple solutions that anyone, with or without experience,
can do from the comfort of their home. I’m sure we can help you too!

But I need your help….Can you do me a favor?

Can you email me with any questions, thoughts or things that you want
to learn more about? We want to make sure that your experience with
us is in line with what you want right now.

And if you don’t mind, any chance you could also include your ________
______ goal with me? What ______________ you want to get to?

After you email me back, I will email you with a download that will help
you get started, it’s usually part of a paid course. But not today.

Just hit reply to this email and let me know! Thanks so much and I look
forward to meeting you!

All the best,

Charlie Murphy

PS: After you email me your _______________, give me about an hour or
so to get you the download.

= = = = = = = = = =

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