Pull up: http://lf7.listflex.com/api/wrappers/infusionsoft.php?action=auth And click on the “Click here to authorize” link.
The page that pulls up will ask you to log into your Infusionsoft account.
Once logged in, authorize the Listflex App. Click the Allow button when you see the following on your screen.
After you authorize the Listflex app to interact with your infusionsoft account, you will see a page that looks somewhat like this:
Copy what you see in the Text Area and head back over to your Listflex account to complete the integration. Paste the copied Access Token into the appropriate field inside Listflex.
Infusionsoft REST API documentation can be found here: https://developer.infusionsoft.com/docs/rest/#!/Account_Info/getAccountProfileUsingGET