The Contact Info Of Your Anonymous Website Visitors Revealed!

Do you want the contact info of the anonymous visitors to your websites?


Consumer data and the personal information of people online has long been a controversy here in the US, and now all over the world. There’s very little unity in what should be acceptable, legal or available for “use” in marketing and business.

I still remember my first actual “mind blown” moment in relation to data. I was working with an Experian sales rep to see what additional info we could append to leads that were filling out our forms. After one quick conversation, I got a file that showed around 1,000 potential data points on virtually every American citizen in the country. It was then that I realized that every action we take online and offline is warehoused and available.

However, until recently, only the big tech companies were good at managing billions of data points on consumers and all of their interactions online and offline. Big tech has always leveraged these data points and your personal information to offer a better experience or better services.

But all of that is changing…

Now it’s your turn. All of the big tech company advantages of knowing the contact information of website traffic and visitors is now readily available to you or anyone. In short, if you own a website of any kind (even site builders like Clickfunnels), you now have the ability to capture the information on the anonymous traffic.

The best part is that there’s literally only one step involved in making this happen. If you can copy and paste a pixel onto your site, you can capture the contact information on your visitors. It’s that simple.

Imagine choosing to know who gets to your shopping cart page, or imagine seeing who got to the webinar sign up form, but didn’t take the next step.  Or imagine running a premium Pay Per Click campaign to the PERFECT Facebook audience….and capturing the contact info of those visitors even if they don’t take action. Well, it’s now a reality.

The possibilities are endless.  But how exactly can you do it?  How exactly do you get the contact info on your website visitors?

Step 1 – Get A Free Account

Step 2 – Set Up A List to Collect Leads

A “list” is simply a way for you to organize leads if you have multiple sites or pages.

Step 3 – Place The Pixel On Your Site

The pixel is unique to each list and you can simply copy and paste it on your site.

Step 4 – Grab Some Credits
No monthly fees! Just add credits as you want to capture more leads. (Credits never expire)

Knowing where your most valuable customers are online can be a game changer for you in an already crowded market. offers a simple suite that gives you the ability to have a leg up on your competition, no matter what niche your in. And you don’t need a tech guy as long as you can copy and paste.

There are no pesky monthly fees or overpaying for leads. You simply grab credits and go as slow or as fast as you want. Your credits never expire and it gives you the peace of mind of knowing you’re always in control.

Set up your free account today and create a list. Each list has a unique pixel so that you can neatly organize the leads from your website, specific pages or offers. Place your pixel and you’re off to the races!

I hope you love this tool as much as I do.

All the best,

Scott Heistand

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