Software For List Brokers

Lead Management Software for Data Brokers

If you are a list broker you know how painful it is to manage all your data relationships without a robust software. Endless amount of time has been wasted on bottomless spreadsheets of data by hard-working and productive folks like you. What if the task of managing all those details been left to a software for list brokers? Just think how far you would have taken your business by now.

Do you have to slice and dice huge excel files full of leads only to carve out a small portion of it to send to a buyer? How often do you hear your buyers complain about duplicates? Do you ever have to post leads into an API? How often do you forget to include some obscure field in your file before you send it off to a buyer? Oh, and don’t forget to format that file properly to your buyer’s specs.

All these questions are as relevant today as they were years back when we set out to build one of the most robust and scalable software solutions in the industry geared specifically towards list brokers.

The team behind Listflex has been forged by decades of grinding in the data industry. We have been where you’ve been – trying to get a hold of tech people for days, having to calculate rev-share for 10 different clients by hand, answering “No” to the question of “Do you have an API” and, perhaps, thousands of other questions. We have had to grapple with every challenge that a list broker encounters time and time again and by God our software responds to them all unequivocally.

While it would simply be impossible to enumerate and describe all the features our software for list brokers offers, let’s look at how you can benefit the most by using it.


NO MORE digging through files to satisfy your buyers’ criteria for data.

Yep, most of our customers cite this as the most liberating feature a list broker can have access to. Just think of all the time you will save by letting our software do the dirty work for you. This is time you can spend expanding your business or, perhaps, simply enjoying your family.

Let me throw a scenario at you. A buyer of yours calls you and says – “Hey Frank, I need 2000 leads that are between 15 and 30 days old, have First Name, Last Name, Phone and Country filled and who are females only. Please make sure all those fields are present. Oh, almost forgot, don’t include phones you have sent me in the past.”

I don’t know about you, but here is how a Listflex user would accomplish this task:

Notice, that you don’t have to tell the software to not send your buyer duplicate phone number. It already knows not to do that.

Now just imagine how long this would have taken if you tried to pull that data out of a big Excel file. To be honest, I don’t even think it’s possible.


File suppression is now a piece of cake.

Have you ever had a buyer ask you to suppress certain emails or phones before you send them data? In Listflex Software for List Brokers you can upload as many suppression files as you like for any given buyer and then scrub orders against any number of those files. Have a look:software for list brokers - suppression files screenshot
And then when you’re placing an order for this buyer, you simply pick any number of suppression files that the buyers has stored. Our software ensures they don’t get what’s in their suppression files. It doesn’t get any easier and more flexible than this.


How do you dedupe?

In data business duplicates are a hard fact of life. You will receive dups and thus send them along to your buyers. Your buyers, in turns, will either not pay you for the dups or, if they lack the means of identifying them, will simply not do business with you going forward. Neither scenarios is particularly favorably to you. I’m going to guess that most of your buyers have no way of deduping what you send them. That means… you have to do that. You, of course, lack that ability also save for some very primitive excel spreadsheet manipulation. So it’s crucially important for you to dedupe leads as they come to you as well as dedupe them against what’s already been sent to a given client.

Listflex allows you to dedupe leads as they are being imported into your system and also as they are being sent to a buyer. But duping, simple though it may sound, needs to be flexible as well. Here Listflex shines as it allows you to set the rules for precisely how you want to dedupe. For example – leads are being imported into your system, but you don’t want them deduped against your entire database. You can set the list to only dedupe against itself. Or, perhaps, you want to dedupe against specific lists, – no problem. But what if you want to only dedupe 30 days back? Again, easy! Just look at Listflex‘s duping interface:

software for list brokers - duping rules

But, you might be asking, what if I want to make sure that the buyer does not receive duplicates going back only a certain number of days, say 60 days? In other words, if a lead has been sent to this buyer in the past 60 days, I don’t want to send it to them. But if a lead was sent to this buyer, say, 68 days ago, it’s fine to send the lead. Can I do that? Of course you can! Our versatility in deduping is unparalleled. Here is a quick snippet of a real-time order’s rules. The screenshot should be self-explanatory.

software for list brokers - duping for outgoing orders

Trust me, deduping is not going to be a problem when you’re on Listflex software for list brokers.


How good is your tech guy?

If you’re like most of us, your tech person is slow and unproductive. It’s no secret that dealing with tech people is a real pain in the butt. Most times they scoff at your requests or plainly ignore them with the air of arrogance unique only to their kind. Forget asking them to build an API integration with a data buyer who only accepts leads through an API. A typical tech guy will take weeks to do it and even then he will probably do it wrong. And God forbid you have to go back and as them to modify it in any way.

What if I told you that with Listflex, you will never need a tech guy again. That’s right – any integration, any API, any scenario. We have one-man list brokerage businesses using our software with, literally, tens of millions of leads stored who never need a tech guy. Their data is always available, always ready to be sold, always ready to be exported and always neatly organized. Mailchimp, aWeber, GetResponse, Five9, ConstantContact, iContact, SendGrid, SES, Mailgun… I mean, it doesn’t matter what you have, Listflex can integrate with absolutely any platform.

So, when you’re on Listflex, whenever somebody asks you,  “how good is your tech guy?”, you’re answer is, “what tech guy?”.


Adjust orders on the fly… without a tech guy.

It has taken you weeks of back-and-forth with your tech guy and your data buyer. You have finally managed to set up an automated, real-time data feed that takes in leads from a lead vendor and sends it over to a buyer’s API. But before too long your buyer emails you and asks to only turn on the feed between 8am and 4pm Eastern Time. Oh, and you also need to now include the State field, which you were not including previously.

In horror you realize that you need to call your tech guy and have him do all that work. You know darned well he will take forever to do it and charge you some obscene amount.

In Listflex, accommodating this buyer’s request is a trivial matter. It will take you but a few seconds to adjust your order to the new specs. The interface for that is a piece of cake:

and pick the extra field:

A few clicks later, your buyer is happy and you’re even happier because you did not have to pay a tech guy and worry that he would mess something up.


Software for List Brokers or a Marvel of Dynamic Data Management.

Before I bring this article to a conclusion, I would like to leave you with a few important points to ponder.

Most data/list brokers THINK that they cannot afford to use a software. And thus they are willing to continue running their antiquated, wholly inefficient data brokerage business the way that it is. We strongly argue against that wrong-headed approach. If you believe you cannot afford to use a software for list brokers, you simply have not done the math.

Let’s say you go out looking for a job today, what hourly rate would you ask for? That’s how much your time is worth. Now, if you actually calculate just how much time you spend on trivial tasks and convert it to dollars, your head will spin. Now, add to that all that money you pay other people to do your tech work. You will most likely come to a simple conclusion – you need to automate your business.

Do not let your competition get a leg up on you by continuously refusing to adapt to the new requirements of the data business. Because, guess what, they have already been using Listflex software for list brokers.

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